Wurth Firstec High-Quality Made in Germany Automotive Bulbs
As part of our effort to fulfill YOUR needs,
We have extended another range of products to serve you better!
WURTH Automotive Bulbs
Devoted to Crafting Quality Automotive Supplies
The Würth Group has a superb team of researchers and developers devoted to crafting the best auto repair supplies in the industry.
Their inventory includes top-quality automotive chemicals, fasteners, electrical supplies, hardware, cargo chemicals, automotive hand tools, rivets, and a wide selection of specialty auto body repair supplies.

We have in READY STOCK a wide range of Wurth Automotive Bulbs:
H4 12V 60/55w
H1 12V 55w
H3 12V 55w
H7 12V 55w
Signal indicators 12V 21w
Brake indicators 12V 21/5w
T20 Glass Socket 12V 21w
T15 Glass Socket 12V 16w
HB3 12V 65w
HB4 12V 51w
H8 12V 35w
Brake indicators 24V 21/5w
T8 24V 2w
Roof Bulb 24V 5w
Drop by our showroom for more information.