Mobil 1-Common Myths

Hear what the Experts Say Bill Maxwell
Common Myths by Bill Maxwell
For most people, owning a car is one of the most significant financial decisions they will ever make. Surprisingly, very few people know hot to properly care for their investment.
Bill Maxwell, Distinguished Engineering Adviser Technical, for Mobil 1 Research Team at ExxonMobil's Global Research & Engineering Center in Paulsboro, NJ, says he's not surprised that many car owners are uncertain about the proper ways to take care of their vehicles.
"Often, people feel intimidated by the numerous automotive care products available on the market, and are uncertain about the pros and potential cons of those products," Maxwell said.
Thus, "many people perform only the basic maintenance needed for their vehicles or only react when a real problem has already occurred. And by then, it's often too late, leading to costly repairs."
While significant advancements in engine technology have, over the past 10-to-15 years, yielded a number of changes in maintenance practices, Maxwell believes that there is one area in which consumers can easily eliminate the confusion - selecting motor oil.

"There is no question that high-performance synthetic motor oils are the way to go because they provide the best performance for all types of engines," Maxwell says. "The best thing automotive service technicians can advise theirs customers to do is to follow proper manufacturer-recommended oil-change intervals and use synthetic oils."
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