K n N World's Best Air Filter
Another highly reputable products have been include into our inventory!
The world renowned High Performance Air Filter!
Ready Stock for the following parts:
33-2836 (Kenari/Kelisa)

33-2922 (Myvi 1.3/Alza)

33-2074 (Waja/Wira)

33-2539 (Gen2/Waja Campro/Neo/Exora)

33-2380 (Kia Forte/Hyundai i30)

E-3530 (Mitsubishi /Proton 12V Custom Round Air Filter)

99-0621 (Cleaner 900ml squirt bottle)

99-0533 (Oil 227ml squeeze bottle)

All other car model can be order.
For more info, call:
016 888 6395